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Kamis, 21 April 2011

BUTUH CEPAT !!! Lowongan Kerja Production House BMM

VO (Voice Over / dubber ) Freelance
1) Wanita
2) Berpengalaman sebagai pengisi suara program TV
3) Memiliki artikulasi suara yang baik dan jernih
4) Tepat waktu dalam jadwal dubbing

Kirim CV , Foto anda dan berbagai dokumen pendukung ke :

Jl. Penyelesaian Tomang IV B 85 no. 21 ,Meruya Kav DKI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, 11620. Atau via email : Contact Person : ( Evy ) 021 585 9328

PT Bawana Margatama is one of the largest manpower management company who has growth in manpower over 2000 employees this year. Currently we are seeking good qualified candidates for our projects in:

1. Financial Industry
2. Oil & Gas Industry
3. IT & Telephone information industry

Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang Financial membutuhkan :

Kualifikasi :

1. Pria & Wanita, Usia Maksimal 25 tahun2. Pendidikan terakhir Diploma4. Memiliki kemampuan Komputer (Microsoft Office Excel, Word)3. Cukup smart dalam hitungan angka
4. Teliti, berkemampuan admin dan filling
5. Mempunyai semangat kerja dan supel

Kirimkan CV ke :
atau ke :

HR - Recruitment
Recruitment Centre BAWANA
TENDEAN PLASA 3rd FloorKapten Tendean No. 45 MampangSouth Jakarta
(021) 5206449

Perusahaan kami yg bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan berlokasi di Jakarta Timur, membutuhkan tambahan personil. Mungkin ada yg punya informasi ttg personil yg sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan dan kebetulan bidangnya sama dng yg kami butuhkan tsb. Spesifikasi kebutuhan kami adlh sbb :

- Pria, usia max. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMK/D1
Menguasai dgn baik :
1. Setting Jaringan kabel dan wireless
2. Setting proxy server
3. WLAN/LAN setting antena Triangle, OMNI,GRiD dan hal2 yg berhubungan dengan jaringan
4. bisa bekerja dalam tim
5. Berpengalaman menggunakan salah satu dari perangkat Cisco,Juniper, Mikrotik, MS Windows O/S
6. Memiliki sertifikat CCNA atau MCSE yang masih berlaku

* Pria, max. 35 thn
* Minimum SMK
* Menguasai elektronika arus lemah / teknik elektronika
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (pasif)
* Terbiasa menggunakan – komputer – solder – multitester –
* Memahami alur listrik / trouble shooting komponen elektronika spt mainboard/motherboard/pcb/power supply
* Dapat bekerja sama dalam team dan dapat dipercaya serta jujur
* Pengalaman di bidang ini min 1 tahun
** Lebih diutamakan mengerti peralatan instrumentasi seperti : UPS atau PLC atau Sensor

Persyaratan Umum
-Pendidikan minimal D3
-Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun pada bidang yang sama
-Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas lapangan
-Terbiasa menghadapi tekanan
-Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Persyaratan khusus

-Mengerti dan memahami kegiatan perencanaan (Review kontrak dan menyusun metode pelaksanaan)
-Meguasai perencanaan budget

- Memantau progress pelaksanaan pekerjaan
-Mampu membina hubungan kerja dengan Owner,Konsultan,suplier,Subkon, Mandor
-Memahami dasar-dasar managemen proyek
-Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki sertifikasi (SKA, PMBOK), memahami ISO
-Mampu membangun dan memimpin tim pelaksana proyek

Persyaratan Umum
-Pendidikan minimal SMK
-Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun pada bidang yang sama
-Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun, belum menikah
-Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Persyaratan khusus
-Memahami dasar-dasar administrasi proyek

-Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Windows, MS Office)

Surat lamaran beserta lampiran CV harap dikirim ke
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa headhunter. Saat ini salah satu klien kami, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur baja yang berada di Surabaya membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi Engineering Electrical / Instrument dengan syarat sbb :

1. Pria, berpengalaman min 3 thn.

2. Minimal S1 Teknik Elektro

3. Dapat mengoperasikan Ms. Office dan Microsoft Project

4. Dapat Mengoperasikan Auto Cad

5. Fasih dalam bahasa inggris baik lisan dan tulisan

6. Bersedia di tempatkan di Lokasi Proyek

7. Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan

Scope pekerjaan:

1. Desain electrical installation dari Panel sampai ke Equipment termasuk :

· Equipment Panel

· Cable Power and Control

· Construction Electrical : Leader, tray and support

2. Mempersiapkan dan menghitung actual material serta equipment yang dibutuhkan sampai menjadi BQ

Silahkan Lampirkan CV beserta pengalaman kerja dan contoh drawing yang pernah di kerjakan ke:

hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan kami proses.

PT. Anugrah Sinergi Adijaya

Jl. Letda Nasir No. 99 Cibubur

Tlp. 021 71464884 - 82426598


Best Regards,
T. Mirza Arafat

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Ikut Lomba Menulis Tanpa Harus Ke USA

Lomba menulis berhadiah untuk siswa sekolah menengah, mahasiswa
universitas dan profesional.

Tidak perlu presentasi di Pittsburgh, USA

The writing contest paper should be received by March 31, 2011.

Organisasi NON PROFIT the Asian Society for International Relations and
Public Affairs (ASIRPA)


Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward pengumuman writing contest terlampir
ke milis/rekan lainnya

Dalam pengumuman sebelumnya tertulis bahwa panitia mengharapkan finalis
lomba menulis (writing contest) untuk hadir saat Indonesia Focus Conference

May 28-29, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Karena banyak calon peserta lomba menulis dari Indonesia yang kesulitan
jika harus berangkat ke USA jika terpilih sebagai finalis
lomba, maka panitia memutuskan:

Peserta lomba menulis dari Indonesia, USA atau dimanapun ... tidak harus
hadir di konferensi
Indonesian Focus jika terpilih sebagi finalis lomba menulis.

Selain lampiran lomba menulis, kami sertakan
juga lampiran call for paper untuk artikel ilmiah dan ide bisnis.
Deadline abstrak untuk artikel dan ide bisnis adalah 31 Maret 2011.

Berlainan dengan peserta writing contest, peserta yang memasukkan
artikelnya melalui call for paper tentu saja diharapkan kehadirannya saat
Indonesia Focus Conference untuk presentasi artikelnya.

Silahkan bergabung dengan milis utama ASIRPA dengan mengirim email ke


Supaya cepat diterima keanggotaannya, lebih dianjurkan untuk mendaftar
milis melalui web site:

dan mohon menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ketika mendaftar melalui web site:

Nama: ______________ Nama kota: ____________ Alasan Subscribe: ____________________

Terima kasih.

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


Indonesia Focus Conference 2011
May 28-29, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Keynote speakers:

1. H. E. Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
[Indonesia Ambassador to the United States]

2. Sandiaga Uno
[Managing Director of Saratoga Capital and Indonesia's Inspirational
One of the most successful young entrepreneur in Indonesia]

3. Lindy Backues, Ph.D
[Former Country Director for Millennium Relief& Development Services for

4. Erwin Aksa
[CEO Bosowa Corporation and Chairman of the Indonesian Young
Entrepreneurs Association-HIPMI]

5. Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal
[Vice Minister of National Education to the Republic of Indonesia]

ASIRPA Writing Contest

The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs
(ASIRPA) now invites students and professionals to take part in the
upcoming Indonesia Focus Writing Contest (IFWC). The theme for this year
is “How to Make the Earth a Better Place”.

The competition will be divided into two categories; the first is for
junior and senior high school students and the second is for college
students and professionals. The first, second, and third place winner of
the first category will be awarded a cash prize of $250, $100, and $50
respectively, and the first, second, and third place winner of the
second category will be awarded a cash prize of $350, $250, and $100
respectively. Winners of the second category will also have the
opportunity to publish their paper in the Journal of ASIRPA (JASIRPA).

Entering the Competition

You can enter the competition by sending your paper to
and Your paper
should relate to the theme above and should demonstrate how the theme is
applicable to your main interest (economy, environment, education, etc.).

The paper should be written in English, typed, double-spaced, using 12
point Times New Roman font, on standards-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with 1
inch margins on all sides. Please maintain consistency with your
preferred citation style (only for college students and above). The
length of the paper should be between 3000-5000 words.

You may submit more than one paper. However, you should be the sole
author of your paper(s). We don't accept a paper with more than one
author. The paper should be received by March 31, 2011.

You are also required to fill-in the writing contest submission form
which can be downloaded from the above link and submit it as an
attachment along with your paper. Your submission will NOT be considered
complete without this form.

Questions related to this event should be directed to or Please visit
ASIRPA website regularly for updates.


Questions and Answers about the Writing Contest:

Q: Are undergraduate students allowed to participate?

A: Yes, they are. This competition is open for all high school and
college students as well as professionals. Undergraduate students will
submit their paper under the first category.

Q: Do we need to travel to the United States if we choose to participate
in the writing contest?

A: No, you do not need to travel to the United States to participate in
the writing contest. Simply submit your paper via e-mail (as an
attachment) prior to the deadline. However, you are always welcome to
participate in the IF2011 conference as a regular attendee.

Q: What is the theme of the writing contest?

A: The theme of this contest is “How to Make the Earth a Better Place”.

Q: I need more information about writing contest program (topic, writing
scheme/font/paper, registration, etc).

A: Detailed guidelines of the writing contest are available at our website

Q: May I take part in the writing contest if my area of study is
psychology or other?

A: Absolutely. This competition is open for any ideas or areas of
specialization as long as you can relate them to the theme of the
writing contest.

Q: Do you accept a paper by multiple authors?

A: No. Only papers with a single author are qualified.

Q: Can I submit more than one paper?

A: Yes, you can submit more than one paper. Whatever topic you choose,
it has to be related to the main theme of this contest.

Q: Is it a requirement that my paper be written in English?

A: Yes. All papers must be written in English.

Q: Are there any restrictions as to what genre or category the content
should be based on (e.g., research, fiction, opinion)?

A: No. there are no genre-specific requirements. You are free to support
your arguments in ways that you believe are convincing to the audience
of your paper, provided that they are strictly built around the theme of
the writing contest.

Q: How does the writing contest differ from the academic presentation?

A: While the academic presentation requires that ideas are presented
orally in a live and formal presentation session, the writing contest
only requires submissions via email. Unlike the academic presentation,
the writing contest is a competition that focuses specifically on
writing skills, such as how certain ideas are constructed to support
certain arguments. The writing contest also awards winners with prizes.


The following information is for regular papers (not for writing contest)

Call For Papers

Indonesia Focus Conference 2011
May 28-29, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

"Embracing Globalization through Promoting Entrepreneurship and
US-Indonesia Business Relation"

Abstract submission:

Original deadline: February 28, 2011
New (extended) deadline): March 31, 2011

Background and Theme

The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs
(ASIRPA) invites the submission of papers for the 2011 Indonesia Focus
Conference, which will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 28-29,
2011. The conference accepts three types of papers: academic papers,
business plans/ideas, and writing-contest papers. Faculty members,
researchers, business people, or anyone interested in this conference
are all invited.

The theme of this year's conference is Embracing Globalization through
Promoting Entrepreneurship and US-Indonesia Business Relations. With
this theme, the conference seeks to emphasize that globalization is
real; we not only have to accept it but also embrace it. Ignoring
globalization will only leave us further behind. Hence, we will take
part and try to fare well in it by utilizing all of our resources. These
include not only our rich natural endowments but also our strategic
geographical location, abundant young and bright minds, loyal and
cohesive social capital, hardworking entrepreneurs, as well as
opportunities to bring in more unconditional support from the
government. While globalization brings more competition, it provides
broad opportunities at the same time.

The conference provides a forum where broad ideas of how to help
Indonesia fare well in the globalized economy are exchanged and
discussed. It is expected that the meeting would inspire attendees with
regard to the potential roles they may want to play in this globalized
world. The conference also provides a forum for entrepreneurs to
showcase their business ideas, plans, and products to Indonesian and
international audience. We hope that the meeting would motivate, and
even initiate further business cooperation among Indonesians, Americans,
and international participants.

Topics and Submission Deadlines

Academic Presentation and Business Plan/Idea Presentation

For the academic presentation, the conference accepts a broad spectrum
of topics, including:

* On the Indonesia Economic development: challenges and opportunities
* On the socio-economic characteristics of Indonesia
* The role of entrepreneurship
* Strategies for Indonesia socio-economic development
* Indonesian policy on economic development and global trade
* The audacity of hope toward Indonesian development
* Developing Indonesia and U.S. cooperation.

At the end of the conference, three best papers will be selected. If you
are interested in presenting, but your topic is not included in the
above list, please contact the conference organizers below; we will
attempt to accommodate all interests.

For the business plan/ideas presentation, the conference accepts any
types of proposed business plan, provided that the business is legal.

The deadline to submit the abstract for the academic paper or business
plan is March 31, 2011. The complete draft must be submitted by May
14, 2011. Please submit the abstract or complete draft of the paper or
business plan to the conference organizers at


For registration and updates on the 2011 Indonesia Focus Conference,
please visit the ASIRPA Indonesia Focus Conference website

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Gramedia Printing


Responsible to propose, acquire and maintain orders.


• Experience in business-to-business sales or marketing for

printing/packaging company is an advantage (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply).

• Business and customer oriented with wide networking experience

• Target oriented, excellent persuasive skills, attractive personality, sociable

and good analytical thinking.

• Willing to be placed in Jakarta, Bawen & Surabaya.


Responsible to handling order/jobs and to coordinate order/jobs as well as represent client's needs (quality, quantity and on time delivery).


• Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Industrial Engineering is preferred).

• Relevant experience in manufacture is an advantage (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply).

• Good conceptual, analytical thinking, quality oriented, can work under pressure and good in communication skill.


Responsible to handling recruitment process (hiring, selection,

interviewing, and monitoring new employees ).


• Bachelor or Graduate Degree in Psychology

• Experience in same position is an advantage (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)

• Experience in conducting psychological test and familiar with psychological tools are an advantage.

• Can work under pressure, target oriented, good in conceptual and analytical thinking, Good communication skill, willing to travel.

• Strong organizational and leadership background.


Responsible to analyze, develop and conduct training programs.


• Bachelor or Graduate Degree in any discipline(Industrial Engineering or Psychology is preferred).

• Experience in developing and delivering training programs is an advantage.

• Target oriented, conceptual and analytical thinking, can work under pressure.

• Strong organizational and leadership background.

Send your CV & application to:
HRD Gramedia Printing
Kompas Gramedia Building, Unit II, Lantai 1A

Jl. Palmerah Selatan No.22-28 Jakarta Pusat
or email (max. 300 KB) to:

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

World Press Institute Fellowships for Journalists, USA

The World Press Institute Fellowship is offered to 10 journalists from countries around the world. It provides immersion into the governance, politics, business, media, journalistic ethics and culture of the United States for experienced international journalists, through a demanding schedule of study, travel and interviews throughout the country.

The 2011 program will begin in mid August and end in mid-October. The fellows will spend a month in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and then travel to several U.S. cities, including New York and Washington, D.C., for briefings, interviews and visits. They will returned to Minnesota for the final week of the program. See the 2010 Schedule for information on the 2010 fellowship and example of WPI events.
Journalism — in particular, the role and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy— is the primary focus of the WPI fellowship program. First-hand knowledge of the complexity and diversity of life in the U.S. is an equally important goal. Access is the key. Over the term of the fellowship, WPI fellows gain access to a broad range of individuals and institutions ranging from the world renowned to the ordinary.


* At least five (5) years full-time employment in print, broadcast, or online journalism.
Journalists can work for news or editorial departments of newspapers, wire services, radio, television, web sites, online publications or magazines of general public interest.
Photojournalists, editorial cartoonists, columnists and broadcast producers are also eligible.
Those who supervise journalists are eligible providing that they also have at least five years as a working journalist.
Any journalism-related work completed as a university student does not count toward experience. People who work in public relations or at organizations whose primary business is not the media are not eligible.
* Must be currently employed as a non U.S. journalist working outside of the United States.
* Fluency in both written and spoken English.
* Potential for leadership

Who is eligible?

Any non U.S. journalist working outside of the United States with at least five years of professional journalistic experience in any medium. The program is open to journalists and photojournalists from newspapers, newsmagazines, wire services, radio, television and online news organizations.
Are there minimum and maximum age limits for WPI Fellows?
Are freelancers eligible for the program?
Yes, as long as they meet the minimal requirement of five years’ experience and are currently working as a journalist.
Are Fellows paid a stipend?
IRP Fellows receive a modest per diem to cover such things as meals. Hotel accommodations and fellowship -related travel are paid for.
Are WPI Fellows required to produce news stories during the fellowship?
Yes. Each WPI Fellow is expected to write for the World Press Institute Reports (blog) and produce up to three news story for WPI’s online partners during the program. It is up to each Fellow and his or her news organization whether they will produce articles for publication back home.
Does the program provide health insurance coverage for Fellows?
Yes. It is basic policy that covers emergency care but not such things as elective surgery or dental care.
Can spouses or families accompany the fellows?
Not during the fellowship program.
All required information, including work samples and letters of recommendation, must be received by the World Press Institute by January 31, 2011, in order for your application to be considered.

Penerbitan Erlangga

Penerbit Erlangga perusahaan penerbitan berskala nasional membutuhkan segera SDM yang handal untuk posisi :

Manager HRD
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria/Wanita, maksimum usia 35 tahun
* Pendidikan S1/S2 Manajemen/Psikologi/Hukum
* Menguasai strategi pengembangan sdm dan perburuhan
* Berpengalaman di perusahaan manufaktur min 3 tahun
* Visioner, Leadership dan komunikatif

Manager Logistik
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria, maksimum usia 35 tahun
* Pendidikan S1/S2 Ekonomi/Teknik
* Berpengalaman sebagai manager logistik/general affair min 3 tahun
* Menguasai warehouse, purchasing dan general affair
* Lebih disukai dari perusahaan manufaktur besar
* Visioner, Leadership dan komunik

Chief Accounting
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria/Wanita
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan Akuntansi
* Menguasai cost accounting, budgeting, analisis investasi dan perpajakan
* Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai supervisor/asisten manager akunting dari perusahaan manufaktur atau retail
* Mandiri, mampu memimpin team, dan cepat beradaptasi


Kualifikasi :

* Pria
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Usia maksimal 27 th
* Memiliki SIM C (dan A lebih disukai)
* Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan, berani, dan gigih
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm
* Berpengalaman pemasaran lebih diprioritaskan

Lamaran lengkap + NEM SMA harap dikirimkan ke e-mail : –